Blog Mad seo optimizerre: November 2010

Seo content now in your reach

 Are you in search of good SEO content or SEO copywriting services but unable to find the right source? Do you think it is hard to find a good writer to write content for your site? If any of your answer is yes then you no need to worry as here you can expect some very useful information.
It was really the thing of past when it was difficult to find any special kind of product or service. It is so because at that time it was required to visit every shop to find if the particular product or service you are looking for is available or not. That all requires much time as well as cost. But as stated above that was the thing of past. Today the scenario is entirely different.
Now- a-days it is possible to get almost any kind of product or service. Thanks to technological invention called Internet that has made it possible. Today you can even get SEO content services online without any problem.
There are thousands of websites available over the Internet from where you can get any kind of product or service without any problem. What all you are required to do is to type in the search term in any of the search engine like Google or Yahoo or even Msn and in no time you will get all the results without any problem.
So if you require SEO copywriting services from a specialized content providing company then you are just required to type in the search term and in no time, you will get the list of all the websites offering services relevant or related to your search term. Isn�t very easy to get the services you require? Yes of course!
But before you select any website out of the search terms remember not only online sources are genuine and so you need to adopt a very preventive approach. There are few websites that are just interested in trapping customers and nothing else. You need to keep a very safe distance from such websites as else you will end up wasting a very good amount of money.
So now the question arises how to select the right SEO content company that can fulfill all your needs without any problem? Well the answer to this question also lies with Internet. There are several websites that offer genuine reviews to help customer select the right option. Not just that you can also have an idea about the quality of products as well as services by going through the testimonial page of the website.
Just take care to do your homework properly and it is sure you will get the right source without any problem. So what are you waiting for? Don�t you want to have the best SEO content or SEO copywriting services? If yes then get in touch with the right content providing company now.

Blog base - do you have one?

 Lately, I have been to a number of forums and blogs in order to meet new people and exchange links. I participated in various threads and left many comments, mainly in the About blogs niche. And that is where I met people, who were complaining about lack of progress in their blogs.
Since there was a large amount of message like I am blogging about interesting things, but there are still no visitors, I decided to check out what was the problem.
Every response to such a complaint was about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), choosing right keywords, participation in social networks etc. In other words, all of the advices were related to an advanced theme, Techniques for building traffic. Yet, the complaints did not stop appearing.
So, I decided to spend some time and visit such sites. I figured out that there was one common thing or it better to say feature, missing to them - Blog base.
In order to make it more understandable, let me compare blogging to building a skyscraper. No matter how high the skyscraper is and what it has inside, there is one thing that is paid attention the most - it is a base. If you make a mistake in preparing the basement, then no matter how beautiful and stable the upper floors are, such a skyscraper will eventually fall down.
The same concept works in blogging. Before you even start thinking about visitors, you must have a base for them. In other words, you must have a large amount of an interesting content already written and posted. When I started my blog, I spent three months writing articles about the main theme of my blog, technology. And only when I made 100 posts, I started to build traffic.
As a final part of this article, I would like to provide you with a number of reasons for preparing a Blog base:

  • If you are a newbie, it is a great chance to practice your writing skills and learn how to create appropriate titles, using the most popular keywords;
  • If you are one of those who create a blog Just for fun, it is the right period of time to realize the main theme of your blog;
  • If you have a large amount of interesting and unique content, the first impression about you will be as good as it can be. Trust me; even though you are one of millions who run a blog, the impression is a very important factor. People always talk, no matter the place and situation.

Use SEO For A Long Term Business Strategy. By Mark Sherris

So…firstly I want to give a brief introduction to what SEO is, and how it can help any business gain more exposure…

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is optimizing a website so that it gains higher rankings within the search engines for specific terms. - So for example : A blog about learning how to play golf may want to appear in the search results for the term, "How To Play Golf" (example only) so that website owner would optimize his website on-page and off-page so that he could gain better rankings for that term!

SEO is something that is incredibly complicated to the newcomer because it's such a broad topic and there is no clear cut method to learning SEO! - There's so many different "experts" opinions about SEO and what is right that it's often hard to know who to believe, but I'm going to break it down, because really these bullet points below are the main ranking factors that decide where you site will be placed within the search results:
* Backlinks - Other websites linking to your website act like a vote! - The more votes you have the higher you will appear in the search results!

* Anchor Text Of Backlinks - Not many people know what "anchor text" is, so for the sake of keeping things simple let's refer to "anchor text" as a hyperlink. Most people know that a hyperlink is a piece of text on a website which links to a website. Well if you want to rank in the search engines for the term (how to blog) then you would need the hyperlink text (anchor text) to be "how to blog". The more links you have coming from other websites with the anchor text set to the keyword you want to rank for, the greater your ranking will be!

* Keyword In Your Title - It's essential that you have the keyword or keyword phrase placed in the Title of your website. This is a very simple, yet common mistake that people seem to forget when it comes to SEO!

* Page-Rank of Incoming Links - I mentioned above how "backlinks" are very important. Well although this is true, if you have a backlink on a website which has a very high page-rank then it will further help. If you had 5 backlinks from websites with a page-rank of 8 (example) and another website had 50 backlinks from websites with a PR of 2 then it is highly likely that you would outrank them in the search engines because your backlinks come from more respected websites!

Okay, there's more ranking factors than what I have just mentioned however I think it's important to not get too technical with exactly how you make websites rank higher because often as online business owners who want to make money online you may not do the SEO yourself, and may look to outsource it to professionals who know exactly what they are doing.

Why Is SEO Important For A Long Term Business Model?
The reason I say SEO is important for a long term business model is because if you can obtain and maintain a ranking for a good level of competition then you will be getting high quality, organic traffic from Google for the rest of your life! - The great thing as well is that organic traffic is FREE! - Of course you do have to spend the money or time to get your website ranked highly however it is worth it once you achieve the rankings you want.

Another thing is that organic traffic tends to have better results that paid traffic and it has been proven that people much prefer to click on the organic listings in Google rather than the sponsored (paid) listings! E.g adwords!

Mark Sherris 

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